Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This is what I responded...

Taken from web site:

"Brittanicus says: March 9, 2010 at 12:00 pm
Citizens voters have the absolute empowerment to remove from office all corrupt politicians, Governors, Mayors, Judges and others who have been pandering to the millions of illegal families that have settled in America. In the midterm election THE PEOPLE have an ultimate commitment and duty to identify those incumbents who have used their influence in supporting illegal foreign nationals. Incumbents Sen. Harry Reid should be first to thrown out, followed by majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi, then Sen Chuck Schumer who is recognized as another player to undermine the use of E-Verify, as he tries to substitute it with yet another enforcement tool. ITS ANY SLIMY METHOD TO CUT DOWN ON ENFORCEMENT. Sen. Lindsey Graham is in discussions with President Obama to drag the American people through another expensive AMNESTY. 15 million plus Americans are walking the streets looking for work, while the estimate that upwards of 8 million illegal aliens are–NOT–jobless. THIS IS THE PROGRESSIVE IDEOLOGY OF CORPORATE AND THE OPEN BORDER INSANENESS. MILLIONS OF CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS ARE VISIBLY LIVID AND ARE THREATENING TO IGNORE THE CENSUS COUNT, BECAUSE THE HAVE A NERVE TO ADJUDICATE ILLEGAL ALIENS AS WELL.
Illegal immigration is an epidemic that is costing every state-county-city billions in government entitlements. This issue is like an old gramophone records that keeps repeating itself. Both political parties are to blame, because of their loyalty is to their parties and not to the American people. The money taxpayers spend on supporting welfare for the desperate of other countries, would pay for every Americans health care annually. Our government has lied to us continuously, but we can make an example of those who ignore the people’s interests. READ THE LATEST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION NEWS AT NUMBERSUSA, THE CORRUPTION AT JUDICIAL WATCH. INFORM EVERY STATE POLITICIAN IN YOUR CONSTITUENCY. CALL THE WASHINGTON SWITCHBOARD AT 202-224-3121. INSURE THE YOUR POLITICIANS AID LOG IN YOUR ANGRY COMPLAINTS AND DON’T TAKE–NO–FOR AN ANSWER."

I responded:
"Hello, It is very interesting to read about these kind of opinions that don’t know anything about what illegal immigrants go through. First of all employed immigrants do pay taxes and do not qualify for welfare, unemployment, federal loans and/or food stamps. So, I don’t see where illegal immigrants are taking money out of the country if they don’t qualify to get free services. Illegal Immigrants stimulate the U.S. economy because we pay taxes, go shopping, open stores and we pay tuition to go to college. Most of illegal immigrants go to college which is very expensive for them because they don’t have the same privileges as people who qualify for federal loans. Illegal students get stuck in the limbo because they cannot go forward with their career goals because people just won’t see further. This is a country of opportunities; this country was founded and built by immigrants. Most of illegal immigrants that do have a job when most of Americans citizens don’t is because most of illegal immigrants are willing to do the hardest jobs and low paid jobs to put food on the table for their families. As humans beings all illegal immigrants have the right to look for a better future for their families.

Please visit my new project and leave your comments at


Take a look to the other side of the coin, is worth it!"

It's very important for those illegal immigrants to face these type of opinions wrote by people like "Brittanicus"
 Unfortunately no one would never know what we have gone through. 
We need to SPEAK UP!!!
We have Freedom of speech!

1 comment:

Some Guy :D said...

well, ok first, i think that every head is a different world and with this everyone in this world has a different opinion and a different point of view of the situation, in this case i will try to express mine.
The thing when you talk about immigration is that no one will ever think the same because for some people it's completely normal now a days, for some other is not because they think that the "illegal aliens" or immigrants come to America ( by the way this is a bad use of the name, because America is the whole continent, not only the US). Well reading both opinions i agree and disagree with both of you because unfortunately we don't choose where we were born and if illegal people come here it's in most cases because they want to have a better life not just for them but for their families too, but this doesn't give them the right to come here and do whatever they want to do because, for example how would you feel if someone goes to your house just like that? and on the other hand americans can't say that all illegal workers come here to steal all their jobs because most of this persons work in all the places that americans dont want to work, wich in most of the cases is serving americans!!! cutting their lawns and cleaning houses!! and, like i said before we dont chose where are we gonna be born and this world is for all to share, because the world was here way before the man decided to create imaginary lines that now we call "borders" and yeah, all the immigrant people does not qualify for government related programs but they do pay taxes!!! (well, not all of them ti be more precisely) but just because some people act like they dont care about other thing that money and have fun, all the immigrants have to be the same way, that is what is called stereotypes, it will be the same as if we say that all the citizens of the US are nothing but lazy white trash (no offense) that only wants to live from the government... *writers block*...

so far thats all, and i hope i made myself clear, if not let me know please.